Thursday, March 27, 2008


Thank God It’s Almost Friday

If there’s one thing I’ve learned about working in the corporate environment and going on vacation, it’s that the week after you get back from vacation warrants thoughts of stress, despair, and never wanting to go on another vacation again.

I had 600+ emails in my Inbox, greeting me, (more like mocking me) as I booted up my laptop on Monday.

I am notoriously bad about checking my inbox on weekends, vacations, during church etc. I usually have to do so in secret so as to not catch the evil eye of my wife. I don’t know why I do it, it’s not as if I’m so high on the corporate food chain that it’s a necessity. I just like keeping on top of it to keep it under control I guess.

I’ve been looking forward to this weekend for a number of reasons.

I’m on call so that means carrying around a pager 24 hours a day. It often feels like carrying around a cocked, loaded gun. And I fear it going off at 3am. I’m rarely coherent at that hour so being woken up to someone’s corporate emergency usually is a start of a bad day
Saturday and Sundays are my preferred days of the week.
Sleeping in, if you consider 7am sleeping in. Mason rarely goes past 7.
Most importantly – it’s DATE NIGHT on Friday night!!

Rashele and I, like most parents of autistic children don’t have oodles of time to spend together anymore. Prior to having Claire-Marie and Mason, and on weekends when Kyler was at his father’s, weekends were often filled with things that WE wanted to do; road trips to Austin or San Antonio, movies, both eating a HOT meal simultaneously while enjoying adult conversation.

Since the birth of our children they’re now filled with errands, grocery shopping, birthday parties, karate lessons and various goings on.

Date nights help us a lot, and we try to do our best to go on at least 1 date, hopefully 2 dates a month. I noticed on many occasions when we’ve not had those small windows of time to focus our attention on one another, we oft start getting grouchy with one another, many times over stupid things (like this morning)
We get that chance to reconnect with one another, remember that we’re a couple very much in love.

That foundation is noticeable to our kids. And I believe Mason, in his chaotic, turbocharged little mind even picks up on that.

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