Sunday, March 9, 2008

Apples to Oranges. A Comparison

We spent part of the afternoon at my younger brother's house yesterday afternoon. My nephew Thomas was celebrating his 5th birthday. He is almost exactly 2 months older than Mason. He's such a funny kid, very animated, excitable, friendly, and mischievous as any boy his age should be.

It's days like yesterday where I compare Thomas and Mason side by side, and NOT interacting with one another (because Mason refuses) that I’m reminded how dreadfully far behind, and different Mason is from other kids.

I'll admit, it got me a little down and irritable yesterday. But I’m an optimist by nature so I bounced back quickly.

It's not as bad as the early days, some progress has been made. He'll now play in the vicinity of his cousins, even within a few inches of them, and even sat in with them whilst Thomas opened his presents. In the pictures that were taken, I'm sure you could hardly tell that he was any different from any of the kids there.

Yesterday did have some high points. He said hello to almost everyone, kids and adults, looking them in the eye as he greeted them. Even gave some “half” hugs to his aunts, uncles, and grandparents. Not the cousins though, he’s always related better to adults than kids anywhere near his own age.

I do feel bad that Mason has never had a traditional birthday party of his own. We’re hoping that this year will be better than past attempts a having party. This past Christmas he took a newfound interest in opening presents, and even yesterday I had to tear him away from opening all of his cousins.

Typical behavior…Yeah…now that’s more like it

1 comment:

tnt5150 said...

My son is also 5 and this past x-mas was the first year he was actively interested in opening presents. My husband and I actually saw the light bulb go off in his head when he made the connection that these boxes were actually for him and contained stuff that he liked...LOL

Unlike your son, my son has no problem playing near or with other kids, but he is not at all interested in kids his age or younger. He tends to do better wtih kids who are about 8 years old becasue they seem to be interested in the things he is interesed in..namely technology based gadgets.

Hang in there, I'm sure Mason will make the peer connection soon, even if it only playing with others for a short periods.